• Moles

    Commonly mistaken for rodents, moles are actually classified as mammals of the order Eulipotyphla, which includes hedgehogs and shrews. Subterranean by nature, moles are solitary creatures and can be found throughout the United States. They are destructive because of their tunneling habits that mar yards, gardens, and even farms.

    Ranging in size from 5 to 8 inches, moles have either gray or brown fur. Their most notable feature is their large front feet with long claws, which allow the animal to dig with ease. Broad necks and strong shoulders also aid the mammal in excavation. Moles have long snouts, no outer ears, and light-sensitive eyes that are difficult to see at first glance, as they are covered by fur.

    Moles can be found in various habitats like woodlands, grasslands, farmlands, and both urban and suburban areas. They create long, intricate tunnel systems with relative ease thanks to their efficient claws. Entrances to these tunnels are readily identifiable due to the mounds of dirt that appear above them, which are commonly called mole hills. Some species of moles are also semi-aquatic and search bodies of water for food while still living on land.

    Are moles known to enter homes or yards?
    The small animal is notorious for entering yards and gardens and digging tunnel systems in search of food, areas to breed, and secure locations in which to sleep. Moles prefer loose, moist soil, are active year round, and spend most of their time underground, which makes complete elimination a difficult task.  

    Do moles harm people or property?
    Primarily carnivores that feast on earthworms, grubs, and other dangerous insect invaders, moles are generally beneficial, though their tunneling activities may become problematic. Their tunnels cause damage to lawns, gardens, golf courses, and pastures. Though more an irritation than fiscally taxing, mole activity can turn grasses unsightly shades of brown and even prevent planted vegetation from becoming securely rooted into place. Moles may bite when handled by humans.

    Control and Safety
    Homeowners have many options when dealing with moles, as the pests are not protected under any law. From trapping to baiting, each method of mole control is best suited to particular sets of circumstances. For example, traps and baits can be effective but depend on placement.

    Trapping and Removal
    Given the elusive nature of moles, trapping is a difficult and tedious process better left to professionals. Chem-Tech Pest Solution specialists possess the proper tools, skills, and knowledge to combat mole problems efficiently and humanely.

    We can help you get rid of mole problems.  Call us today: 402-720-3042